Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fake News, Urban Legends, and Popular Stories

The following post was put on my sight about healing ( Although it surrounds the story of a man with a disappearing tumor, today's post illustrates the hows and whys we should all be looking closer to the stories we hear from news, on the streets, in sermons and even in schools. Fake news and made up or exaggerated stories are roaming just about anywhere you read or hear.

So there is this story on the internet, in articles and in books used to illustrate how powerful the mind is. It's all about a patient (Mr. Wright) who, under the care of a certain doctor, was given medicine in 1957 that made a cancerous tumor the size of an orange completely disappear. But here is the interesting part of the story. It wasn't the medicine that dissolved the tumor, but it was the man's belief in what turned out to be a worthless medicine. His mind, and only his mind completely dissolved a large tumor. But after discovering the medicine was no good, the man relapsed and the tumor ended up killing him two days later.

As much as I believe that most successful "faith healing" is usually no more than a person's body (and the brain) reacting to expectation of a cure and trust in authority (put more simply - the placebo effect), and even though the story of the disappearing tumor would help me find clarity in an area of healing I am looking for clearer answers, something about this story seemed wrong. I think I wanted to believe the story, but the story looked to fishy. So as with many stories I read that are used to promote or confirm any doctrine or teaching (any side of the issues of today), I decided to research more about this case to see if there was truth behind the stories told.


Image result for urban legend
For the first few hours of research, I thought I would not be able to find the genesis of this story and that it would be nothing more than an urban-legend-like/fake-news-like tales passed on to feed the hunger of the "mind over medicine" fans. The more I searched, the more I was siding with a legendary beginning to this tale. I was beginning to conclude this was one big fake story:
  1. I could not find the source of the story. One mark of an urban legend is that most of the stories claim to happen to a friend of a friend. For example: After a trip to Mexico, my brother's friend went to a dentist because he had a large sore on the inside of his back molar. When the dentist poked the sore, dozens of baby roaches poured out into his mouth. One of the signs this is not true is that it happened to a friend of a friend. If I talk to his friend, however, I will find out that it really happened to a friend of his friend. And if I talk to that person, I will hear the same thing. I will never find the source. Mr. Wright's story seemed not to have had a real source, even though books and articles used the story.
  2. Secondly, the story seems too good to be true. This is a second sign I thought the story was probably false. When a gun toting fanatic walked into a restaurant in Washington D.C., he was convinced he would find a secret underground vault filled with Hillary Clinton's child slaves. He hated Clinton so much that he bought the story that she kidnapped children and sold them as sex slaves. Where he heard this story is a mystery to me, but not the story itself. This type of story is common the political world because such stories justify fears and hates a group has. In other words, this story for the Clinton haters was too good to be true. Mr. Wright's disappearing tumor seemed too good to be true for a group that wants to believe that modern medicine is superseded by the power of the mind.
  3. Thirdly, some of the articles emphasized that the story was true..."this is true." As soon as I read those words, I was led to believe it was probably false. Any story or news station that has to tell you it is true without good evidence should be viewed with skepticism.
  4. Fourthly, the stories varied. Variation of a story is expected with popular stories because people adjust stories to fit their purposes for writing or telling the stories. This adjusting happens because people remember certain parts of stories but not all, or adjusting may happen to serve the purposes of convincing others of the story's truth. The biggest variation of Mr. Wright's story was the purpose of the drug involved. One story says it was only used on and successful with horses. Another story states that the drug was being tested in a controlled study on others in the hospital already. And a third story tells us that Mr. Wright had to demand being included in the trial. Each of these stories tell us that Mr. Wright had to force the Doctor to comply with his wishes.
Another variation is in the doctor's name. One article called him Dr. West and another said it was Dr. Klopfer. Once again, this is a sure sign that the story has been evolving. Nevertheless, even stories that have the earmarks of urban legend type of evolution can come from some story that started it all. So I began digging more into the story.

Dr. Klopfer

I searched the names of the doctors and found one of them led me closer to the source. After several hours of searching the internet, I got closer to the source of this story. It turns out that Wikipedia mentioned that Dr. Bruno Klopfer wrote an article "Psychological Variables in Human Cancer", Journal of Projective Techniques, Vol.21, No.4, (December 1957), in which he described Dr. Wright's condition and response to a bogus medicine called "Krebiozen."

Finding out who the originator of this story was, I wanted to know who he was and if he was some quack. Wikipedia told me that he studied under Karl Jung (impressive), did research at Columbia University (equally impressive), and finally appointed Clinical Professor of Psychology at the University of California in Los Angeles. All of these titles give weight to the fact that the story of the disappearing tumor is legit and that the mind can in fact reduce the size of tumors and may even be able to destroy them entirely. However, being closer to the source and being impressed with the doctor's position, I still have my doubts. I suppose the biggest problem I had was that even though I was close to the source, I could not find the article itself and read what Dr. Klopfer himself wrote about Dr. Wright.


Several years ago I taught Medical Ethics in a local University. In my studies at that time, I discovered a commonly used trick among researchers and developers. In order to get the money needed to continue research, companies and researchers often falsify their findings, believing that further funds will help them to prove their theories right and thus pay off in the end for investors and for researchers. But this is a tricky deal with the devil, for while it pays off for many (it paid off for Steve Jobs on several occasions), it can backfire if further research does not produce the expected results.

Image result for Woo Suk HwangOne South Korean researcher, Woo Suk Hwang (in 2004-2005) claimed he had been able to produce cloning from embryonic cells because he was convinced he could with enough money. After being awarded the finances he needed, he was unable to produce his expected findings and went from the country's hero to his country's shame. "He lost his university position and his two important papers on embryonic stem cell research had to be retracted from the journal Science ("

I knew that even the best scientists and teachers can make mistakes or even manipulate their findings. Could Dr. Klopfer have created the story of the disappearing tumor in order to impress his peers and the Journal of Projective Techniques' readers? Did he exaggerate something that happened? Or was he an eye witness to the amazing power of the human body? I wonder if reading the original article would help me answer these questions, but because I don't have the original, I cannot conclude properly. The story of Mr. Wright is not helpful in getting closer to what goes on with faith healing.


I am still not convinced Dr. Klopfer really saw a tumor dissolve so quickly and so easily. Dr. Klopfer was writing a book and needed illustrations to prove his point and I cannot honor people who are popular or educated on the basis of their popularity or position. I am afraid that I would have to see it or learn more about it in order to believe it.

The story sounds too urban legend-like for me to accept it without further proof, but as I mentioned, whether or not it happened, the stories that came from this article took a life of their own.

On the other hand, there is another story that likewise moves through generations of story tellers. Dr. Mason (1951) who treated a teen with arms covered in warts. "Most of the boy's body -- everything but his face, neck, and chest -- was covered in a "black horny layer" of skin that Mason said 'felt as hard as a normal finger-nail, and was so inelastic that any attempt at bending resulted in a crack in the surface, which would then ooze blood-stained serum ('"
Image result for dr. mason warts
From Dr. Mason's original report

Dr. Mason used hypnosis (the placebo effect was not yet well known in 1951) and told the boy that one of his arms would clear up in two weeks. The repeated stories (even by NPR) tell us his arm completely cleared up, but the original report (I had to find the original report before I bought this story) said most of his arm cleared up.

After the doctor was told by his peers that what happened to the boy was considered impossible, the doctor was unable to help the teen any further. The doctor blamed his inability to further healing to his lack of belief in the possibility of healing to continue after finding out that what he did was impossible.

Why do I believe this story and not Dr. Klopfer's? Dr. Klopfer's story is too good. It fits too well within the framework of his book and there are no contradictions or failures in Dr. Klopfer's story. It is all too black and white. Dr. Mason however fails in further attempts to help the person.

Another reason I accept Dr. Mason's story is because I can get to the source, see the pictures and read from his experience first hand, as Dr. Mason worked with other doctors and filled out an official report with pictures and statistics which can be read by all (

All in all, I conclude that the disappearing tumor story may be true, but without further proof, I don't have enough evidence to buy it to use it in further investigation.


I wrote this article because it demonstrates how important research is in the area of healing. A lot of people pass on stories and testimonies because such stories make people feel good, support opinions, "glorify God," and so on. However, even true stories change with each retelling, so in order to get to the bottom of each story, it is important to research.

Many stories will have no known source or sources that cannot be trusted. Most of these stories should be rejected, even when and especially when they support what you want to believe, whether you believe in faith healing or do not believe.

Finally, when I first began reading about Dr. Klopfer and Mr. Wright, I was hoping to find evidence (either way) if a tumor could disappear from a placebo effect or from a healing crusade. Unfortunately, I did not find the answer to least, not yet.

This post is what I wrote for my site on healing. The principles of research should be taken as well into other areas as well. In fact, try taking the next real good juicy story you hear that claims to be true, research to find its source, and compare the differences.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Why Are There so Many Hurricanes?

"It is time to destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth."
Revelation 11:18

The U.S. was just hit with two massive hurricanes which came on the heals of a total lunar eclipse. Is the world coming to an end? Is the U.S. being judged by God? Are we doomed for more tragedy?


If I borrow from ancient culture, then by all means, God or gods are unhappy with the South and is punishing Florida and Texas. When a bridge collapsed in Minneapolis killing 13, I never heard mention that God was angry with those 13 people who died, but when a building collapsed in Jesus' day, killing 18 people, the story was told that those 18 somehow deserved what happened because they had sinned (Luke 13:4). Jesus told his followers that those people were not bigger sinners than the rest of them and he warned them that something worse was coming if they did not turn from their sins. In the Bible days, every natural tragedy outside of war was related to sin.

Natural tragedies were not the only disasters tied to sin. When Jesus and his disciples walked up to a man blind from birth, the disciples asked Jesus, "Who sinned that he was born blind?" For them the question was not, "Did sin cause this blindness?" For them, somebody sinned because this man was born blind. Jesus told them that nobody sinned to cause this. At this point his wording gets a bit tricky, because he added, "but that the work of God might be revealed." Or he may have said, "Let the work of God be manifested." The original Greek can go either way. So either this man's was born blind for the sole purpose of revealing God's work or Jesus was simply saying that no one sinned to cause this blindness, nevertheless, let God be glorified.

When someone could not speak in the days of Jesus, it was commonly held that demons were possessing the dumb and not allowing them to speak. Jesus worked and healed in a world where sin and demons were behind most diseases and natural disasters.


Not many hold to a purely ancient world view when it comes to modern disasters. We know so much more about the reasons why structures collapse and how people get sick. Even so, there are many who cling to the ancient world views to some degree or another.

When Haiti was hit with a major earthquake that killed tens of thousands, Pat Robertson said the reason the earthquake killed so many was because some 200 years ago the Haitians made a pact with the devil to find freedom from the French.

In the aftermath of recent flooding and destruction in Florida and Texas, plenty of YouTube preachers are saying that this is the beginning of the end. Destruction is the result of sins such as abortion and homosexuality.

Anne Graham Lotz suggests that the recent total eclipse was a warning to the U.S. that bad times could be coming if we didn't change our ways.

In some Christian circles, being sick is often related to sin.

These people hold on to some degree much of the ancient world's reasons for natural disasters and sicknesses.

Most of these Christians blend modern science with ancient thought. They can see that a disaster might be the result of poor building construction. They can see that a disease such as arthritis is brought on by natural wearing and tearing of the body. But many of them also believe that God causes such things or lets such events happen for different reasons (IE: testing our faith, punishment for sin).


There is a not so friendly debate going on in the U.S. in general - Christians and non-Christians are siding into one of several schools of thought.

The first camp tells us that the storms and disasters are probably due to global warming. This camp can be further divided into two sub camps. The first agrees that there is global warming but says that the warming is a natural phenomenon unrelated to human activity. The second camp believes that humans contribute to global warming. Both of these camps are willing to accept that global warming may be contributing to an increase of random and/or unusual changes in weather which can include stronger and more hurricanes, tornadoes, hotter temperatures, rising oceans and so on.

On the other hand, there are people who claim that global warming does not exist. Some of these people believe that scientists are political beings who are finding what they want to find with a political agenda in mind.

Either way, the evidence is strong that global warming is happening at an alarming rate. We may not see any drastic change in the next few years, but changes are going to come.


Image result for hurricane irma

There are those who believe disasters such as the hurricanes that hit Florida and Texas are sign that Jesus is coming back. Jesus is coming and they are happy to see the world fall apart as it's demise means the soon return of Jesus. Most of these people see the disasters as a result of human sin which God punishes when He has had enough. In many of these people's belief, Jesus promised to keep the godly safe by taking them bodily into heaven while the rest of the world will get worse and worse and suffer more and more. So if the world is falling apart, it is okay.


Then again, there are people like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking who believe the planet cannot survive another 100 years because of global warming, overpopulation, and Artificial Intelligence. They believe we need to start looking into the possibility of populating another planet.


The world could be ending in a few generations. Disaster after disaster could be on the rise killing many of us in the prime or our lives. The future could be very dark for humanity. What should we think about all this?

When I was a young member in the U.S. Coast Guard, a group of us had just finished eating at a restaurant and were paying a hostess for our food. One of the guys (Joe), who was a bit strange and told the hostess, "Jesus is coming back tomorrow!" The hostess was startled when he said that. She looked like she believed him, so I took over the conversation to cover up for my friend's stupidity. "No he's not coming back tomorrow, but if he was, would you be ready?"

The hostess told me she was not ready, so before other customers came to pay for their food, I told her she could take time that night and pray to God and rededicate herself to Christ (I assumed that she had some sort of Christian background by the way she reacted to Joe). She said she would.

The hurricanes and the eclipse may not have had anything to do with God's judgment and may not be signs at all that Jesus is coming back. But if they are...are you ready?

Monday, September 11, 2017

What Is the Unforgivable Sin?

When I was much younger, a lot of people were very concerned that they had committed the unforgivable sin that Jesus talked about in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32.

I used to talk to people on the street and they would bring up the unforgivable sin and tell me they were concerned because they were convinced they had committed the unforgivable sin. As a young Christian I always assured them that if they had committed such a horrible transgression, they would not be concerned about it at all.

My theory was this:

1. If someone is concerned or wants to come to Christ, only the Holy Spirit could put this desire and concern in their hearts, because the Bible says, "No one can come to me unless the Father...draws him.
2. Those who committed the unforgivable sin in the Bible did not want anything to do with Jesus.


Both Mark and Matthew record an event when religious leaders publicly told those who were with Jesus that his power was from Satan. Jesus responded by telling them how their logic made no sense at all. After demonstrating their failure in logic, he told the group that all sins were forgivable but blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The leaders accused Jesus' power - the Holy Spirit - of being the demonic. That was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and that was a sin that was unforgivable.


If you still hunger for truth; if you desire to become or stay Christian; if you want to please God; then you have not committed the unforgivable sin.

Friday, April 22, 2016

How Social Media Creates Paranoia in Relationships


The social media is an amazing tool bringing lots of great things for this world.

When my wife and I were dating, when I lived 2,000 miles away from her, I looked forward to Sundays when I talked to here one time a week on a pay phone for 45 minutes.

Today, when a couple live 2,000 miles apart, they can Skype, FaceTime, call every day, and share time together so much more than when I was dating. These are amazing and wonderful advances in technology and social life.

The advances in social media are wonderful, but social media brings a dark side to the good side.


First of all, before I get into the dark side, I will talk about the gray side - the side that is okay, but not the best. When couples from different states and countries meat online, it creates a difficulty in the relationship, in that, the couple has a hard time meeting face to face and maintaining a good relationship.


When couples finally commit to each other, there are other pursuers online who will always be there for each individual in the relationship.

When I was dating, I could leave one relationship and move on to another without knowing much of my past fling.  Also, if I have an interest in other people outside of the one I am moving on to, I was limited to people I could see face to face. Today, if I move from one person to another, I can look into the internet and find a bunch of interested pursuers, The temptation is far beyond what I had when I was dating. This issues surfaces even more when I get married, settle down, and get into fights with my marriage partner.

There is another dark side issue in social media. If I start dating or marry someone, I can now search for who they are talking to on the internet, thus creating new challenges and jealousies. This creates within me a paranoia which hurts my relationship with my spouse or person I am dating.

When I got married, my wife worked at a company that I had no ties to. I didn't know if there were men in her company who were hitting on her, and I would never know.

Today, if I was young and my wife was working, I could look into the social media and find the people who had crushes on her, or who worked with her, or had contact with her. And I could search out who might like her, for after all, she is a very good looking woman. And there would be people who liked her, and who hit on her, and who would make me jealous.

In this case, social media, which was designed to make life better, created a monster of jealousy and paranoia within me.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Christian Discipleship Movements in the Late 20th Century

Jesus had many disciples (he sent out 70 on one occasion), but only 12 who were called out from the rest. These 12 would eventually be called Apostles. Form the 12 Peter, James, and John were were in his inner most circle. James and John were cousins to Jesus - his mother (Mary) was sister to their mother.
Disciples of Jesus in those days were people who were able to follow Jesus from town to town. The 12 followed him during most of Jesus' ministry - as for the others, there is no mention of how long they followed Jesus - although we do have at least 2 others from Acts 1 who followed Jesus every bit as much as the 12. 
There are cultures today where men will leave their family for years to study in Bible schools in the West, but we in the U.S. do not usually leave our families for training. The Apostle Peter stayed with his wife after he followed Jesus during his ministry, so his ministry after the resurrection was much more like ours today where we usually work together and stay with our families.
Different cultures in the ancient world had their share of disciples who followed one person (a rabbi, a sage, a prophet, a philosopher, a political leader, or whoever could gather a following). I believe this was the most effective way to learn in a world with few books and where most people could not read or go to some school. Discipleship was like a school under the tutelage of one person who was often trained under someone else. 
According to Matthew, Luke, and Mark, the disciples didn't know Jesus was the messiah until after they were his disciples for quite a while, saw his miracles, and wondered who he really was before finally realizing Jesus was the Christ after Jesus asked them, "Who do you say that I am?" So when they began to follow him they probably only thought of Jesus as a teacher of the Law who was trained under John the Baptist.
Following one person was a cultural necessity for finding the best opportunity to learn. I think we have so much more opportunity in our day and following one person is not as important as it was in that world.
I believe that many people followed Jesus because they saw miracles or had hopes of him being the warrior messiah, but Jesus had a group of disciples who he called out to be trained under his teachings. They were his students. To me, followers were not really disciples wanting to learn, be corrected, and grow. Instead, followers looked for quick fixes and surface level, me-centered experiences.
Sometimes Jesus did call his disciples followers; so it is not completely accurate to make such a differentiation between the two groups.
This historical look is the foundation of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Of course, we do not follow the earthly Jesus, we follow the risen Christ, so it is different. Modern discipleship is not usually sitting at the feet of one earthly person called Jesus, but sitting at the feet of many people who teach, preach, and live out the gospel. Through them, we sit at the feet of the risen Christ.
Three groups since the 1970s have tried to pursue a higher level of discipleship. 
The International Church of Christ under Kip McKeen developed a college centered intense discipleship. Baptism was all considered null unless one was baptized into discipleship and when one joined their group, that person submitted to an elder who submitted to one above him. The group eventually fell apart after gaining more than 500,000 followers because Kip McKeen realized that the group was too tightly controlled and abuse abounded. He quit his own group and overnight the church folded, leaving missionaries overseas stranded without support.
The Shepherding Movement was the design of 5 Charismatic leaders who designed the same intense discipleship that Kip did (although the Shepherding Movement came first). These 5 leaders set up shepherds who shepherded people, telling them what they could do and not to do, what they could wear, who they could date (I lost a fiance to the group), and so on. In a couple of years, 2 of the 5 leaders publicly repented of what developed saying their idea of discipleship was a bad idea. Another one claimed the Body of Christ was not ready for shepherding. I don't know about the other two. Perhaps they just wanted to quietly slip away unnoticed.
As much as we want so much to follow Christ to the extreme, we have to be careful. In the world of New Religions and Cults, high demand discipleship has not been good. Following Christ under a canopy of freedom is scary because of our sinful nature, but it is the best way to serve Christ with our whole hearts. 
One exception to this is Youth With a Mission Discipleship Training School. They live under high demands, but it is only for 5 or 6 months. That is probably why they have not fallen apart after a year or two.
All three get legalistic in their attempts to follow Jesus.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why Is Donald Trump so Popular with Evangelicals?

FIRST OF ALL I need to clarify why I am writing about Donald Trump in my blog about Christianity.

The Bible is filled with politics and Evangelicals in the U.S. generally love Donald Trump who seems to know almost nothing about the Bible.  Not all Evangelicals support Donald Trump, but a large enough group of them do for me to want to take a closer look at this phenomenon.


1.  Evangelicals have placed their hopes in the Republican party after failing to begin their own party.

2.  Evangelicals learned about politics from Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Francis Schaefer, James Dobson, and other Evangelical leaders who learned that working with the enemy was vital in politics (as long as that enemy can further common interests). As a result, for some issues, Jerry Falwell, Hal Lindsey, and other Evangelical leaders united with and worked with Sun Myung Moon who proclaimed himself ruler of the world the completion of Jesus' failed ministry.

3. Many Blue-Collar Evangelicals have been listening to right winged radio show hosts who simplify politics, and demonize everything outside of the Conservative circle. Through these political pundits, Conservatives learn where to direct fears, hates, and angers while getting an education in the political world from a conservative and fear based world view.

4. Evangelicals have focused on small group of issues and Evangelicals will support any politician who support these issues (as long as they are Republican - because in their thinking only Republicans will believe and behave as they do).

Some of these issues are:

a.  Homosexuality

b.  Prayer in public schools (Evangelicals are already moving on from this one)

c.  Abortion (Catholics were 5 years ahead of the Evangelicals in fighting abortion, but once Evangelicals got on board, they have been strongly anti abortion since).

d.  Turning the country back to where it once was. This is pipe dream based in a glorified and false view of the past that many believe existed. I think most cultures fall into this "once upon a time" in some way or another. Even the writer of Ecclesiastes saw it in his day, "Do not say, 'Why is it that the former days were better than these?' For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this (Ecclesiastes 7:10)."

e.  Simple solutions for simple problems. In its most simple state, the picture looks like this:
1) The country was founded by good Christians who fled persecution in Europe.
2) The country used to be ruled by godly people who established godly rules.
3) The ungodly poisoned the well with evolution, and liberal thinking.
4) When prayer was taken out of public school, the country was doomed.
5) We need to fight to turn this country back to its roots and the best way to do that is through politics and prayer.

THE REASON EVANGELICALS LIKE DONALD TRUMP is that he gives them hope and promise to turn this country back to its legendary roots by draining the swamp and holding on to conservative values.

1. He is simple. He offers simple solutions and simplifies complex issues. Evangelicals, like most people, don't want life to be complex and difficult to understand. They want to understand and be able to solve life's issues without getting too bogged down with too much detail. There is a strong belief among many that life doesn't need to be complex.

Most politicians gravitate toward simplifying and handing out sound bites, but Donald Trump stands out in this area by providing the simplest answers and solutions. "Build a fence to keep Mexicans out." "Keep foreigners out."

Voters are tired of politicians who make everything complex.

2.  He is a bully. Many conservatives are tired of wishy-washy politicians that tip toe around issues and other countries. Conservatives would say that Donald Trump has balls and whether right or wrong, he stands up to his convictions.

3.  He has a well-known brand. Americans have seen him for years on TV as a boss who hires and fires celebrities. In his show, he is definitive (he rarely makes mistakes and never admits them), he is authoritative (celebrities kiss up to him), he is a family man (his two kids sit by his side and offer their opinions on who should stay and who should be fired), and he is successful, having built an empire few people have in this world. All of this adds up to a powerful image and image has been huge in politics since the Kennedy / Nixon debates. None of the other candidates have anything close to the brand that Trump brings to the table.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Book of Enoch and the New Testament

 Elijah walked with the Angels.
(Genesis 5:24)

The Book of Enoch is a controversial book that almost made it in the Bible, but just narrowly missed the cut. Jude quoted directly from Enoch, Peter and Jude both referred to its contents, and Jesus may have borrowed from Enoch when he talked about angels never needing to marry - Enoch explains that the angels don't need to marry and have children because they never die.

Opinions are divided over whether or not Enoch is good, bad, or whatever. Conspiracy theorists and sellers of magazines and TV programs want to turn the book into another "proof" the Church is hiding something and Fundamentalists demonize the book.

I am not going to say one way or another. You can figure that one out on your own. Rather I am only going to point out how Enoch is clearly behind some of the thinking of New Testament writers - especially Peter and Jude.

Because we have such limited information from the world in which Bible writers lived, we cannot piece together the entire ancient world and their ways of thinking. That limits us to only what we do have and what we know from the books and fragments we have.

For those readers who are not familiar with the Book of Enoch, the book itself claims to be written by Enoch (the 7th from Adam - who was born before Noah) but in fact was written by several scribes at different times - long after Enoch lived. Writing under a famous person's name and on behalf of that person was very popular during the centuries before and after Jesus' day.

In this writing I am focusing only on those parts of Enoch that were written before Jesus was born.

We do know that the first 36 chapters or so were written long before the New Testament (possibly 250 years or so before), so the similarities found in the New Testament with the Book of Enoch came from the Book of Enoch and not the other way around. However, the source of any similarity Enoch has with the Old Testament came from the Old Testament itself, for it was written first.


Section One

Enoch prophesied that a big change was on its way. Wickedness was going to disappear while godliness was going to rise. A time of prosperity and blessing was going to come on the earth.

Jude, who was the brother of Jesus, quoted from and gave credit to the Book of Enoch:
And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones
To execute judgment upon all,
And to destroy all the ungodly:
And to convict all flesh
Of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed,
And of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.
1 Enoch 1:9

Section Two

After informing us that a new day was coming, Enoch recounts how his world became filled with violence and chaos within the spiritual and natural realms. He explains that there is order in the created world with such things as stars, the universe, the trees, and the like; nevertheless the people and the angels of his time were not following God's decrees. They were unnatural and doing things they were not designed to do. This reminds me of Isaiah 1, where God tells his people that the ox knows its master, but His people do not know theirs.

God will punish those who do not follow His commandments - they will die young. On the other hand, godly people will live long. This concept of long life for the righteous vs. life cut short for the ungodly is found in the early chapters of Proverbs.

Section Three

Sex with Angels

19 angels - each over 10 other angels (190 in total) - submit themselves to Semjaza in an agreement to take wives from among humans. They do this because they lust after good looking women.

Genesis 6:2 – the Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

1 Corinthians 11:10 – For this cause ought the woman to have power (authority or covering) on her head because of the angels.

Secrets Tools of Seduction

As the serpent promised Eve knowledge that only God and the angels knew, the angels in Enoch's book shared heaven's secrets with the people before Noah's day. They taught men how to war and how to make weapons. They also told women how to make themselves attractive with make-up and how to use mirrors, sorcery, astrology, charms, enchantments, cutting roots, and knowledge of plants.

1 Peter 3:1-6 tells wives not to wear make-up, but rather focus on inward beauty, submitting to their husbands and calling them "lord." Due to the fact that Peter refers to the fallen angels of Enoch in verses following, this section about make-up could be influenced by a belief (perhaps common in some circles of Israel) that make-up was one of several tools fallen angels taught women in order to seduce men.

In the early chapters of Proverbs, the writer describes a seduction that gives us insight into the ancient mind. The story is about a man and a woman having an adulterous affair. In the story, the man is seduced by a woman who has no morals. Although he could escape the affair, the power of seduction is strong and the man gives into it. Seduction was the power women had to entrap men and seduction was augmented by the gifts and tools the angels gave women.

If tools for seduction, such as make-up, were considered forbidden secrets from the fallen angels, then make-up was probably considered taboo in many Hebrew circles. Is it possible that Peter felt the same?


The offspring of these angels and human women in Enoch turned out to be giants that ravished the land.
Genesis 6:4 – There were giants (Nephalim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Eventually these giants consumed more than the earth could provide. They killed animals and people. Violence and death increased and the cries of the earth reached heaven itself.  

The Good Angels 

Meanwhile, in heaven Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel heard and cries of the earth and talked to God about it wondering why God was so silent.

God gave one of them a message to pass on to Noah that things are going to get wet. He gave another message for the angels that sinned - their children were going to die. It turns out that their spirits roam the earth as unclean spirits that were so commonly spoken of in the New Testament.

The good angels also bound up all the bad ones and sent them into the fires under the earth (after all the earth is flat in the Book of Enoch) for 70 generations. Luke 3 records that from Enoch to Jesus there were 70 generations. Is this just coincidence or did Luke intend his readers to see that Jesus was the one who would take care of those who were bound at the end of 70 generations?

It is possible 1 Peter 3:19-20 also refers to the importance of Jesus in the 70th generation: "And being made alive, he went and made proclamation to he imprisoned spirits - to those who were disobedient long age when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built."
According to the Book of Enoch, the bad angels were to be cast into fire for eternity after 70 generations from Enoch himself.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment,... (2 Peter 2:4, see also Jude 1:6).