Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Memorize the New Testament - Dealing with Failure

I already told you the story of a preacher who used the Bible to stir up the crowd and to show off how "brilliant" he was.  I said told you how disgusting I felt it was.

I also wrote about the importance of endurance when it comes to memorizing the Bible.  I cannot stress this enough.  I am not the most brilliant person you will meet, but I have discovered that perseverance goes a long way in the learning (and in the memorizing) process.  I have memorized most of the books of the New Testament - not because I am smart or have extraordinary skills.  I did so because I memorized one verse at a time for 20 years. 

For every day I memorized a new verse, I tested myself on past verses (90 every day).  This was no great undertaking as some would think.  I failed to reach my goal of memorizing the entire New Testament; and I failed to memorize every day as I planned (by year 20 I was memorizing 3 verses a week); and by year 20 I quit.

At the beginning of 2013, after 20 years of not memorizing, I bought myself a new leather Bible and started rememorizing scripture I once knew.  It's coming back a lot better than I thought.  At the rate I am going I should be able to catch up to where I was 20 years ago within 2 or 3 years. 

I don't know if I will memorize any new material at that time.  Maybe I will, maybe I won't. 

What is my point?

Sometimes I feel like failure is a big part of my life.  In memorizing the NT, I failed.  But despite this failure, I did memorize a lot.  In areas like this, I discovered that it's better to try and fail along the way than never to try at all.  If I had never tried, I would not have any scripture memorized.

My Challenge to You...

Go beyond what I did.

By the way, see the video I did about memorizing the NT:

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