Friday, August 26, 2011

Different Types of Homosexuality in the Bible

I count three different types of homosexuals in the Bible, two of which even most of today's homosexuals would agree are not good.


There were two stories in the Bible about men raping men. The first and most famous is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. In this story, Lot invited two men into his house who so happened to be angels. Late at night, the men of Sodom went to Lot's house to rape the two men who came to visit the city. Trying to protect his two visitors, Lot offered his two daughters instead (I wonder what Mrs. Lot had to say about that). Of course, as most of you know the story, the two men were angels who protected Lot and his daughters from the mob, and destroyed the city.

The second group of gang rapers (found in Judges 19) was another group of city men who wanted to rape another stranger who was passing through and found lodging with an old man in the city. Sound familiar? As the story goes, a man brings his concubine (live in girlfriend) on a journey, and rather than staying in some Gentile villiage, he travels to a Jewish town.

He is invited into an old man's house and so he and his concubine stay the night. But things turn bad when the men of that city show up at the door in order to rape the visitor. There are no angels to protect the stranger and the old man, so they toss out the concubine who is then gang raped instead. By morning she is dead.

Nobody from any persuasion would condone the behavior found in these two stories. The only ones who would cheer on this violence would be hardened criminals for whom our countries have plenty of prisons. Gang rape of any type is not encouraged or condoned by most gays or heterosexuals.


In the ancient days there were many temples for the local gods. If you would visit one of these temples you might find men and women who took money in exchange for sexual intercourse. I am convinced that the practice began as a spiritual connection and unity between planting seed into the ground and planting seed into a priestess in the presence of the dieties. It may also have meant spiritual unity with the gods themselves as they were represented by the prostitutes.

This practice was condemned by the scriptures in part because it represented unity with another god...which was completely rejected by the God of the Bible. The Bible lists quite a few religious practices that were rejected by God, such as making idols, religious tatoos, and sacrificing children.

This whole issue is unimportant to most people today, although there are a few who are trying to resurrect this practice of sacred prostitution for some reason or another.


The third group of homosexuals in the Bible are the every day common homosexuals, such as we see today. This is the group I will be studying in the next few blogs.

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