Friday, August 26, 2011

The Genesis of Homosexuality - Sodom and Gommorrah

By far the one story that feeds the arguments on both sides is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Although they are usually mentioned together, Sodom was probably the dominant city because it is sometimes mentioned alone. Lot lived in Sodom, and when the two angels visited, they went to Sodom. However, both cities were destroyed in the fire and brimstone-wrath of God calamity.

Here is a real brief summary of that story:

1. Two angels and the Lord visit Abraham and tell him they are going to check up on Sodom because they heard that it is wicked. Abraham tries to talk them into saving the city for the sake of his nephew Lot and any other godly people that may live there. A bargain is reached between Abraham and the Lord.

2. The same two angels (without the Lord) enter into the city of Sodom and plan to sleep in the city square. Lot offers room and board for their stay, and insists they stay at his place under his protection.

3. At night the city men came to Lot's house and demand him to hand over the two visitors for the purpose of raping them.

4. Lot offers his virgin daughters instead, but the men refuse.

5. The angels protect Lot and his family who leave the city.

6. While the city is being destroyed with fire and brimstone, Lot's wife turns around to look. She turns into salt.


Genesis does not define the sins of Sodom and Gomarrah. It just tells us the story of a city of men coming to a Lot's house in order to rape 2 visitors who were under Lot's protection. It tells us that Lot felt so responsible to protect his visitors that he offered the unruly gang his own daughters to rape instead of the two strangers.

The story itself is so powerful, that it was mentioned at least 27 times again in other books in the Bible as lessons against evil and/or as a demonstration of the fury of God's wrath. Even today, in different circles, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is used as an example of:

1. The evils of homosexuality.
2. The wrath of God on homosexuality.
3. The wrath of God brought down on any city or nation where homosexuality is accepted or promoted.

Are these fair conclusions from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

For the next few blogs I would like to look at each verse that comments on Sodom and Gomorrah. I will ask each verse what it is saying about the two cities.

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