Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to Get Rid of Worry

My stomach use to ache with pain because I worried so much and there was nothing that I knew of that helped me. That was back in 1972.

I was in Miami when I saw a small building with the sign "Jews for Jesus". Not knowing what to expect, I went in and sat down for the meeting. I don't remember the service and I don't remember the message exept that the leader of the service preached about worry. He said it was a sin (because when we worry we don't trust God), and we should treat it like sin. That night I confessed my sin of worry and asked God for forgiveness. I then went back to the ship I lived on and didn't even think about it until 3 months later.

3 months later I was in Miami and decided to visit Jews for Jesus again. I don't remember anything from that night (neither the service nor the message). I just remember sitting in a chair realizing that since I had been there before, my worry had slowly but most certainly dissappeared. I didn't even notice when it had gone just did.


I believe worry is a natural and needed part of survival. It warns us that things are not adding up and could go wrong. Being warned we can take the right precautions and avoid disaster.


Worry gets out of hand and floods us with possible problems that could happen to us. Furthermore, being warned that impending doom is near, worry offers us no solutions because the doom is not real.


Don't try to make it go away, instead, confess it as a sin. Whenever my stomach aches I know that I am worrying too much again, so I confess it and move on with my life. The pain always goes away as worry is brought down to a minimum.

By the way, a little worry is probably good. You just don't want it running your life and giving you ulcer like pain.


Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done (Philippians 4:6).

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